SFFSA is a long running South African Science Fiction & Fantasy club. We enjoy social gatherings once a month, an extensive library of books for members, an excellent quarterly fanzine, mini conventions, a yearly short story competition and much more.


  • Next meeting: AGM on Saturday 18 January at 3 PM
  • Download a Zoom recording of the memorial to Ian Jamieson
  • Obituary: Tex Cooper
  • Nova 2024 NOW CLOSED!
  • Our Banking Details have changed
  • Probe 194 is the latest edition mailed to our members
  • Free download of the lastest WARP ezine from Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association
  • NEW ADDITIONS to our DVD library (Donated by our founder, Tex Cooper)

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  • Can you help with a research project by completing an online survey?
  • Our postal address has changed
  • Check out the latest additions to our library (2021/03/22)
  • Download full library list in xlsm format (2021/03/22)
  • Download a list of all the stories ever published in Probe (2020/12/17)
  • Download a list of all Nova winners (2020/12/17)

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  • The Constitution of Science Fiction and Fantasy South Africa was amended in March 2020
  • 50th ANNIVERSARY Commemorative T-Shirts for sale
  • Best of SFSA available for purchase
  • SFFSA History: new information about our origins

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  • Date: Saturday, 18 January 2025
  • Time: 3:00 PM
  • Cost: R10
  • Venue: Gail's Home, 30 Gustav Preller Street, Vorna Valley

  • The January meeting of SFFSA is our AGM. This will be followed by a bring-and-braai. Please bring your own rolls and salads, if desired. Chairs will be provided, although you are welcome to bring your own.

    The movie we will be showing will be Mars Attacks!, a 1996 American science fiction black comedy film directed by Tim Burton, who also co-produced it with Larry J. Franco. The screenplay by Jonathan Gems was based on the Topps trading card series of the same name. The film features an ensemble cast consisting of Jack Nicholson (in a dual role), Glenn Close, Annette Bening, Pierce Brosnan, Danny DeVito, Martin Short, Sarah Jessica Parker, Michael J. Fox, Pam Grier, Rod Steiger, Tom Jones, Lukas Haas, Natalie Portman, Jim Brown, Lisa Marie, and Sylvia Sidney in her final film role.

    We are also looking for committee volunteers to help us run and manage this wonderful club. Please contact Nial for details.

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    Hello! Lloyd Penney here, the new editor-in-chief of Amazing Stories! We are now pleased to announce that submissions for flash fiction for our special next issue are open! That special issue? That's our Amazing Stories: Sol System special edition. We are interested in stories set in the future and revolving around Sol, including planets, moons, asteroids, Oort and Kuiper, you name it! Now that you know what we need, we need stories, flash fiction-sized, about 1500 words maximum, with a deadline of January 2nd, 2023. We are paying the SFWA rate of 8 cents per word. Can’t wait to see what you submit. Click here for more details

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    The Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association publish an ezine called WARP. The latest edition, WARP 112, is available for free download. See our links page for other free SF&F literature.

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    Rhianna Morse is doing doctoral research at Brunel London University in the topic of Film and Television Studies. Her research is titled Windows of Fantasy: The Significance of Science Fiction and Fantasy Film and Television Posters. The aim of the research is to explore the significance of science fiction and fantasy posters for individuals and groups as a source of cultural significance and meaning. This could help generate a better appreciation of what posters really mean to their owners. As part of this, she is searching for adults (18-80) owning science-fiction and fantasy poster(s) who could participate in her research project by completing an online survey. Would you be willing and able to help? More information and the link to the Online Survey can be found on her PhD Study Website

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    T-Shirt Logo

    We are offering a 50th anniversary commemorative T-Shirt. They are good quality shirts, with printing on the back and the front. This includes the original logo. Black shirts with white printing, or white shirts with black printing, are available.

    Further details here ...

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    Best of SFFSA SF&F Short Stories

    The Best of SFSA Vol III available for R50.00 including postage (South Africa) or $10.00 international. Email secretary@sffsa.org.za

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    If you want to see your artwork here, submit it to us and we may put it up here.
    Artwork, articles and letters of comment (LoCs) may be published in Probe.